Saturday, September 24, 2005

How come the government is willing to pay all kinds of money for people to go to New Orleans and help with the "devastation"?

I know in Washington State they are offering for emergency personnel to go down there and the government will reimburse the agencies that send people.

Why don't they start hiring people who have lost their homes and jobs from the hurricane and this way they not only get to rebuild their homes but they get paid while doing it.

Some will probably have enough work to retire before the repairs are done.

People up here will go there, make money and bring it back to my state to spend it. Why not keep the money and jobs in the region that was affected?


Blogger Liddia said...

I agree and then we can stop hear some of them complaining about having nothing. Did you hear about the woman sprent 1000 of the 2000 dollars the red cross gave her on a purse, I am outraged!

6:17 PM  
Blogger Suzette said...

You can give money to people but you can't tell them how to spend it. That's why they should give out supplies and donate to the utilities and things rather than hand out cash.

6:43 PM  
Blogger Liddia said...

Yes I would agree with that.

7:07 PM  
Blogger spork360 said...

yea.....debit cards...gee that's a novel idea... maybe I can falsify an address and get some of that moolah...anyone know someone that has an address down there i can use??? I bet there's many people pocketing some good money by using that scam.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Gary Brownlee said...

That's my big question too. It looks like they're doing the exact opposite of that. In fact Bush just repealled the Davis Bacon act (i think that's what it was called) that said that people hired for federal jobs had to be paid the local prevailing wage, which in the New Orleans area is about $9 an hour. So, it looks like they're using the Iraq model of reconstruction. Give all the contracts to Halliburton and other big political donors and hire "contractors" from outside of the area affected while the people who live there just get poorer and more pissed-off.

4:19 PM  
Blogger spork360 said...

yep.... some of my friends have been asked to go down there to help out... they will be making anywhere from 22 bucks an hour to a little over 50. And on top of that the overtime created (30 to 75 bucks and hour) to fill their vacancy is supposedly going to be paid with federal money.

4:35 PM  

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