Saturday, October 29, 2005


Let me rephrase that ....DirecTV's customer service sucks. I'll make a long story short:

I bought a DVR from walmart (200 bucks) and then activated the directv dvr service (Already had directv) They send me notice a month later saying if I cancel the service they are going to charge me 300 bucks if I don't return the dvr equipment. I called and tried explaining I bought the DVR myself not through them. They continually read lines from a book stating a totally seperate answer to the question I asked.

I was disconnected four times while on hold. Four of the six people I tried to talk to spoke less english than a three year old child. Over and hour on the phone.

My basic question was "If I keep directv and cancel the TIVO portion why do I have to return my recorder bought with my own money to you". Their answer: we sold the equipment to you at a discount and therefore you need to return it. I again explained I bought it for full price at WalMart and never got any type of rebate or discount. She said WalMart sells for them and then notifies them when the equipment is purchased.

I asked "How come my bill doesn't show the HD receiver I bought in June or the (i lied on this one) second DVR I bought for my girlfriend for Christmas. She was silent for a while then backpedalled and said "Oh it shows when you activate it"..."the only ones your bill will show are the ones we provided to you directly from DirecTV".

therefore back to the original question: she finally agreed that I don't have to return the DVR even though I have two notices say I do if I cancel the service. Then changed the entire answer to "if i cancel the entire directv service within two years I have to return the equipment or pay 300 bucks"...but still my bill says "One year contract of DirecTV" and a two year commitment on the DVR....

They still really don't have any answer but I wrote it all down and will now call as a "new customer" and find out what they tell me.

At least the last one spoke english...all the other ones were calling me Meeester Prank Showw....and Tank you foder your beeesnus.


Blogger Suzette said...

Tank you fotell us theees.

We cancelled DirectTV a few years back and will never go back to them. They tried to charge us for movies rented months after our account was cancelled. They suck.

5:20 AM  
Blogger spork360 said...

how does pogo games get me better tv service??

8:05 AM  
Blogger Suzette said...

Also, I forgot about the card and Paul reminded me. We had the service then when we called to reconnect as the boys got older they wanted us to pay to buy a new card for inside the thing. We bought the equipment but they said they do something to the cards every so often so you end up having to pay to replace them. Can you say rip off?

2:17 PM  
Blogger Bridget said...

Mike and I went through the same with our dish when we moved back here... went to have it hooked up at our house in Canonsburg and they told us we had to spend several hundred dollars for a new card. I was also told at the time that your card can "fill up" after purchasing so many movies and will need replaced, so not only do you pay for the movies when you purchase them... you have to pay a large amount for a new card to have the privelege of paying for more movies when you want them. I swore I would never go back to them again.

3:55 AM  
Blogger spork360 said...

I've never had any "card replacement" problems. They have sent updated cards to install but no charge.

This is the first time I've had any type of problem with them.

6:35 AM  
Blogger Liddia said...

thats why I like comcast

1:37 PM  
Blogger Gary Brownlee said...

I had a similar problem. My receiver broke so I called them up to ask what to do. They said I could go to the store and get a new receiver to replace the old one. While I was there I noticed that the DVR receiver with TIVO was only $50 more than the standard one so I bought it. When I called them up to activate the new card they told me I had a new one year committment and that if I cancelled within that year I'd get charged a big penalty. I asked them why I was being punished for replacing my broken receiver and helping them out by upgrading my service and paying them $5 more per month. And you're right, all the guy could do was read the policy to me. It's just crappy customer service. Luckily, I've had no real problems other than that but it pissed me off anyway.

2:27 PM  

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